Whew! What a few weeks it has been! This holiday season was super busy for us, so I found little time to actually sit down and get my ideas out. I've got a few more ideas about topics now that Julia is 4 months old, including the so-called '4 Month Sleep Regression' (which will be my next blog post). Since I'm using this blog to also document Julia's childhood, I want to give a quick rundown of what our holiday season looked like.
We alternate Christmas/New Year with our families, since Andrew's lives in Britain and mine in Canada. This year it was Britain's turn! Woo! Because we alternate, our activities vary year to year. With this being Julia's first Christmas, we decided to set up some new Christmas traditions that could follow us anywhere we are.
Christmas Eve we went to Andrew's dad's house. It was a great time as Julia's cousins were there and she just loves them! We had a nice dinner and Julia got to play (watch) her cousins play with their new toys! I also found the time to make Julia a Christmas Eve dress, which will be a new tradition for her every year.
Tradition 1: Make a Christmas Eve outfit.

Julia in her Christmas Eve dress! We even got to wear matching headbands (because I'm cool like that).
Christmas Day we spent at home. I always travelled on Christmas Day, but a few years ago I stayed home the entire day and loved it, so I want Julia to have that experience. We spent the day in our (matching) Christmas PJ's and Andrew's mom came over to celebrate! We got to FaceTime my family (Thank goodness for technology), but I didn't get a picture.
Julia say in her Snug chair for a few minutes during Christmas dinner. She was not as amused as we were by this, so she quickly moved to her rocker while we ate dinner. Hubby makes a fantastic dinner!
We spent Christmas night just sitting around talking and laughing about the year that's past. What a lovely time it was!
On Boxing day we went to Andrew's brother's house for the Cousin Christmas. Again, Julia loved watching her cousins play with toys and REALLY loved it when her cousins would dangle toys in front of her face!
Boxing day was super fun as we also went to the airport to pick up Jodi! She came for a week and we loved every minute of it. While at the airport, Julia decided she wanted to talk to EVERY person that passed her, so she 'shouted' at each passerby. The cutest thing :)
Fast forward to New Years, we had Jodi and some more friends over. We watched the Canada vs USA World Juniors hockey game and were overjoyed with Canada's performance. Go Team! The rest of the time was spent playing card games and eating ridiculous amounts of chocolate.
Overall, Julia's first holiday season was fabulous. We enjoyed spending all the time with family and friends. It's this season that really makes you appreciate and love your family even more.
Andrew loved his present from Julia.
Julia having a ball in her snug chair during present opening.
Jodi just couldn't wait to meet her goddaughter, Julia!
Auntie Jodi always brings Canada attire when she visits.
'Just trailing behind'