One of Julia's Christmas presents is a beautiful book called 'On the Night You Were Born'. I found it on amazon and it was available in a board book, so it's going to be able to stand the test of time (and baby dribble). As soon as I read the description, I knew I had to have it. Basically, the book tells the child about the special night they were born and how special they are in the world.
"You are the only You" - I love that phrase and I will be raising Julia to know it well.
I decided to use this book as inspiration and write about the night Julia was born (as I sit and listen to my husband read our daughter stories and Julia responding with the cutest coos!)
On the night you were born, Julia:
It was a warm September. We didn't have the heat on yet and we had just finished setting up your crib in our room. I had jokingly mentioned that I needed to pack my hospital bag, as time was running out. Only 3 weeks left to go, so I had better get prepared.
On the night you were born, I didn't have my hospital bag packed.
We went to bed dreaming of your birth, wondering when you would enter into our lives and bless us forever. I said you would be late, probably an October baby. Your daddy said you would be early.
On the night you were born, your daddy was right.
At around 3am, I got up needing the bathroom (a situation pregnant ladies know all too well). I couldn't get back to sleep because I had to keep getting up. Little did I know, this was my water breaking. At 4am, I woke up Andrew. We called the hospital to describe what had happened and they confirmed my water had broke. Then the contractions started. The whole next day was spent at home with contractions and getting as much sleep as possible between contractions. At 9.30pm we decided to go to the hospital as things seemed to be happening.
On the night you were born, there was a warm breeze and clear skies.
At the hospital, the midwife said I was no further along than I was that morning and to go home and come back for 'formal induction' the next morning. I decided to stay on the ward and have diamorphine to help me get some sleep.
On the night you were born, your daddy went home for some sleep.
A little while later contractions came fast and heavy. I walked my ward room for what seemed like hours. All of a sudden, it was time.
On the night you were born, your daddy had to race back to the hospital.
On the night you were born, I was scared.
On the night you were born, I was so excited that I didn't feel pain after getting to the delivery room.
On the night you were born, we were blessed with life's greatest gift and our lives were forever changed.
On the night you were born, we became a family.
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