Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Transition Update and Julia's 3 month birthday!

So we've kept at Julia's sleeping bag transition. She is taking her soother nicely at night and it promptly falls out of her mouth when she enters into a deep sleep. She is still taking a while to settle at night, but she is starting to sleep for longer stretches. Last night I began to question if I should just put her back in her Woombie so she would settle straight away, but there are so many reasons to keep at the transition...

Reason 1: We've been doing this a week now, so putting her back in her Woombie would result in her having to readjust to that.

Reason 2: She's really starting to move from side to side, making rolling over inevitable. With her arms restricted to the Woombie, if she rolled over in her crib, I worry she wouldn't be able to roll back. Not to mention, in her last weeks in the woombie every time I went to get her from her crib, she was in a different position, showing me that she is on the move!

Reason 3: She is slowly adjusting to her sleep sack and has begun to settle herself in her crib without me needing to rock her. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE rocking my baby to sleep, but I'm glad to see that she is developing coping skills leading to independence.

Last night she slept in her crib from 10-1.30 very soundly. At 1.30 she woke and I fed her and brought her into our bed. I think her sleeping in our bed with her sleep sack still on is helping with the transition as it is showing her that we are still there for her through the night. She slept soundly for the rest of the night with us.

I'm hoping that she is going to settle into her night's sleep more easily now as we have been at this for a week. When I think about it she took about 2 weeks to adjust from a tight swaddle to her woombie, so time will tell!

On a much happier note, yesterday was her 3 month birthday! I can't believe it's been 3 months since our sweet girl made her early arrival into the world. It's been the most wonderful, exhilarating, emotional 3 months of my life. Here's a sneak peak into our world with Julia:

She likes...
- hitting her toys in her rocking chair
- talking to momma and daddy
- kicking her legs
- the Christmas tree lights!
- having help to stand up (she LOVES being able to look around!)
- going out so she can watch the world go by :)
- bath time!

She dislikes...
- her carseat, unless she's on the move!
- tummy time, when she has nothing to motivate her to push up.
- getting out of the bath

Things she's learning...
- how to grasp something with her hand.
- how to roll over

Things WE are learning...
- to let her be grumpy - sometimes she just needs to be grumpy and we don't always have to try to cheer her up.

I'm so in love with our sweet girl - I can't wait for what her 3rd month brings, especially her first Christmas!

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